Contact the best lawyers & attorneys in KalamazooAs chosen by you, the viewers. The results of this selection will be placed on our site in the coming months. Our search for the top attorneys in Michigan will begin in 2015:
How, who, where, what, etc:
A quote from one "Best Lawyer" nominee in Michigan from the 2009 voting held on our site:
The costs of providing information in court are of several kinds, including costs of collecting and processing the information, costs of audit if it is subject ot audit, costs of disseminating it to those lawyers in Kalamazoo who must receive it, costs associated with the dangers of litigation, and in some instances, disclosure and other best practices. The costs to the lawyers in Kalamazoo, over and above those costs that preparers pass on to them, are mainly the costs of analysis and interpretation and may include costs of rejecting information that is redundant, for the diagnosis of redundancy is not without its cost.