My Hometown Lawyers | Spotlighting Defense Lawyers in Aurora, CO 80016
BPMM and Associates | Serving Colorado
Our law firm has been handling criminal cases just like yours for decades. If you have been charged with a crime or need help, know your rights and give us a call below:
Principal Office 22488 E Polk Dr, Aurora, CO 80016 |
This local legal business card was created by the team at My Hometown Lawyers. We spotlight top local attorneys per zip code and only top candidates are selected for this specific title. Criminal defense is a serious form of law and should not be taken for granted.
Between You and Your Lawyer: What happens after the trial?
Even if you're in prison, you still have rights under the US justice system, and the legal process can continue if you feel you were wrongly convicted. You may file an appeal, a process by which a court can overturn a guilty verdict. Appeals allow you to challenge the interpretation of the law but not challenge factual issues such as how far over the speed limit you were going.
Although many prisoners mount their own appeals and study up on court records, it's best to get a quality defense lawyer involved.
What if the officer doesn't show up in court for a speeding ticket case?
If the officer who issued the ticket doesn't appear on your court date, there's a good chance the ticket will be dismissed. In some cases, the judge might issue a second court date, however. But if the officer STILL doesn't show up, the case is dismissed. Even if you don't have a strong defense, it may be worth fighting a ticket for a minor violation on the chance that the officer won't appear.
That's more likely to happen if you were barely speeding vs. going 40 miles over the legal limit and running a red light or something along those lines.
Learn more about common legal processes: How to appeal when you are charged with a crime | What Happens When You Actually Get Arrested? | Justice of the Peace Function |