My Hometown Lawyers | Spotlighting DUI Lawyers in 75214 | Lakewood Area
Vasquez and Associates | Serving 75214
Our law firm has been handling cases just like yours in the Lakewood area of East Dallas for decades. If you have been charged with a crime, know your rights and give us a call below:
Vasquez & Associates 6301 Gaston Ave Dallas, TX (214) 522-8400 |
This business card was created by the team at My Hometown Lawyers. We spotlight one local lawyer per zip code and only top candidates are selected for this specific title. The 75214 zip code is one of the top areas in Dallas and is known as Lakewood - it has beautiful views of White Rock Lake and many funky local businesses. Unfortunately, driving infractions happen even in these high-end suburbs of north DFW and we are here to help.
One question we get asked a lot is: What street do most of the DUI tickets written in the 75214 zip occur on? According to public records, that distinction belongs to Gaston Road - white isn't surprising, given the number of bars and restaurants in the area near Whole Foods.
One question we get asked a lot is: What street do most of the DUI tickets written in the 75214 zip occur on? According to public records, that distinction belongs to Gaston Road - white isn't surprising, given the number of bars and restaurants in the area near Whole Foods.