We were recently made aware of a controversial new hangover cure that has been relaunched in Texas for 2021.
The product, which can be bought at the above link (we are not an affiliate), uses all natural ingredients and can apparently help drinkers after a night of, well, drinking. The problem is that the FDA doesn't really like companies using the term "cure" so liberally. And that's understandable. For years and decades, hucksters have paraded around a wide variety of cures for everything from diabetes to hypertension. So why is a hangover different? Well, it's probably not. Hangover cures are coming under increased regulatory scrutiny because the FDA is now treating a hangover like a disease. Thus, products marketed to help hangovers need to tread lightly in their marketing. The above example, THC The Hangover Cure, doesn't seem to care and skirts this line. The FDA will likely intervene at some point but until then these type of products will continue to be produced unabated. It will make for a very interesting next few years as the dietary supplement industry is still very much the wild west.