Dear best immigration lawyers in NYC,
I am a U.S. citizen but I have noticed (and spoken with an immigration attorney here in NYC) about the fact that I am having trouble getting hired because my union won't hire anyone without an ID and green card. Is this legal from an immigration law standpoint? I am a fourth-generation American and I resent having to prove I am legal - what's the best course of action to take?
Answer: This is a common immigration legal question. Employers must screen all new employees as a way of determining if they are eligible for employment. They must ask the same questions and require the same forms and paperwork of everyone. There are no sanctions for employers who have in the past hired an undocumented employee but there may be further penalties for people hired more recently. Whether in NYC or anywhere in New York, all employees must be treated the same during the hiring process.
Answer: This is a common immigration legal question. Employers must screen all new employees as a way of determining if they are eligible for employment. They must ask the same questions and require the same forms and paperwork of everyone. There are no sanctions for employers who have in the past hired an undocumented employee but there may be further penalties for people hired more recently. Whether in NYC or anywhere in New York, all employees must be treated the same during the hiring process.